January 5, 2012

Inspiring Things


I picked up this Local Food Wheel for NYC at a local kitchen shop last year, and it's still a thrill to watch the produce roll in each month, giving me ideas for what to look for at the market.  And, the graphics are so lovely!  I have mine hanging on my refrigerator door.   There are several local food wheels available for different parts of the country.


My latest read.   Thich Nhat Hanh applies Buddhist approaches to weight management and healthy eating.  While geared for people interested in weight loss and those who struggle with weight management, I'm a few chapters in, and am finding this a good refresher for mindful eating and mindfulness, overall.  I would like to lose "a few pounds," but the parallels and points raised in Savor reach beyond weight -- they provide guidance for approaching life's struggles in general.  There's also a Savor blog/website worth a look.


Despite the hectic holiday season, I spent time exploring and being a tourist in my own city.   I allowed myself to take time, take photos, and take a breath.  Wandering around without a plan or time commitment is its own form of meditation!

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