November 20, 2012

Recipe: Sweet Potato and Greens -- Thinking Outside the Cereal Box

Sweet potatoes with tat soi and white rice.

I love my almond milk and cereal breakfast but, lately, I've been interested in expanding my options.  Maybe it's the cooler weather, when porridges and stews sound especially appealing.   For years I've been fascinated by how people around the world enjoy foods at breakfast that we (Americans) reserve for other mealtimes.   My interest in macrobiotic cooking also inspired me to think outside the cereal box.   I've been trying a few "greens and grains" breakfasts a few times a week and am finding they are very gut- and GERD-friendly, and an extremely satisfying start to the day.   Mostly, I am using leftovers -- a half-cup of rice with a bunch of fresh vegetables and tofu, or maybe a high-protein grain like quinoa and vegetables.  Some point soon, I would like to start including miso soup in my breakfast menu (I just have to get into the habit of making the base).


I love this dish because it uses leftovers well, and is quick to put together.  And smells wonderful -- a great way to wake up.  Serve with oolong tea.

Sweet potato (already baked in advance; the amount depends on how much you want)
1 bunch tat soi (you can substitute with any other greens)
1/2 cup white rice (leftover rice is perfect for this)
olive oil 

1.  In advance:  Wash and jab sweet potato with knife in several spots.  Preheat oven to 375-400 degrees.  Bake sweet potato in skin on oven rack for 40 minutes or until skin blisters.   You can also cut into large chunks or slices and bake in a pan with just a touch of olive oil. 

2.  Wash and chop greens into strips.  Heat oil in skillet and add greens.   (Just enough oil to cover bottom of pan is enough.)  Stir and when wilted, add water to keep from sticking and cover.  Steam-saute for 10 minutes, stirring frequently and adding more water if needed.

Tat soi -- an Asian green often turning up in farmer's markets!

3.  You can add garlic if you wish to the greens, but for breakfast greens, I avoid garlic or onion.

4.  Add sweet potato chunks.  If the sweet potato is too soft to add to the pan, heat separately.  (There's no right way to compose everything -- it'll all taste great!)

5.  While cooking the greens/heating up the sweet potato, also heat up leftover rice.  If frozen, I just add it to a small pot of boiling water and break up/heat the grains, and drain.  

6.  Put rice in bowl and top with sweet potato and greens.   Sip tea, stay mindful, and start the day!


The Vegan Version also champions eating greens and grains, and provides a recipe for Greens, Grains, and Miso Soup

On Kathy P.'s Healthy. Happy. Life blog, this recipe for Breakfast Salad with Citrus Seared Tofu looks fantastic!  (What doesn't look fantastic on this blog?)

Macrobiotic breakfast ideas from the Nourishing Cuisine blog.

1 comment:

  1. I almost never eat cereal for breakfast - it's just not satisfying or protein-filled. (Sometimes I feel like it's just slop in a bowl. :-/ ) I do like sweet potatoes or fruit with nuts that I've soaked overnight. But I have a love-hate relationship with breakfast. I never really want it, but I need to eat something before I run off to the gym... If I had time, I would totally saute some greens to go with the potatoes, but not the rice - adds unnecessary simple carbs, I think!

